On the largest parcel on the Bonnet Shores of Narragansett, RI sat a charming home that was in need of an extensive addition renovation overhaul for its’ new homeowners. The existing home was not big enough to meet the needs of a family of five. Used as a vacation home, the small home did not want to have large spaces that would threaten its charming character or over develop the site. So JFF was set with the task of creating a comfortable scale for the new addition; a scale that would fit everyone in the family and include spaces full of detail and functional.
This project was featured in the February issue of Builder / Architect magazine 2011!
Project Overview:
Type: Extensive Beach House Addition; Scope of Work: Two-story, five bedroom, three car addition; Style: New England Coastal Design; Location: Narragansett, Rhode Island; Year Completed: 2010